Originally Posted by Secure808
Thanks again for sharing. If you don't mind, what tuts were you looking at? On this board, the net? That info to me, is just as important as you sharing, because I would like to get better too.
I don't mind at all....
I have have spent literally days only searching for wordlist tutorials, and have easily read over a 100 from different sources, people and written for different reasons. For instance I always look at both sides of anything I learn, every tut I read on how to exploit or otherwise bypass authentication I read one on protecting and preventing that.
First would be the writings of Mr. Fravia, without which I would probably just still be walking in the dark, through the web, bumping into walls and grabbing at whatever i could, instead of seeing clearly, and finding exactly whatever it is I am looking for.
For the most part, all the ones I have read all say the same thing as the elders wrote, said in a slightly different way or further explaining things originally left out to force the reader to work, try and learn. So only a handful held were really distinguishable from the rest, 1st one would be by a silversandstorm, the title escapes me at the moment but I will update when I remember, it is however less technical for me and more inspiring, if that makes sense? It was inspiring and motivating for me to say the least. Not many tuts do more than walk you through steps and instructions, but SSS and Sl@yers do....
The most useful tut and the one I reference most to actually DO the task at hand would be SlySnakes building a better wordlist hosted here and on Madmax's Raptor 3 DL page, I figure if the creator of the best wordlist tool i am aware of posts it next to that program its grrrrrrrreat as the tiger would say.
Next would be Sl@yers papers, any of them, all of them, but I am not aware of many that are floating around, so if you find them they're it. He some how explains things in a "bottom line" Dr. Phil fashion. Short, Sweet, and to the point, in other words if he wrote this post it would have been 5 lines long, and 5 times more useful to anyone reading it. I can't mention other boards and such per the rules but the authors should be enough to guide you.
The last one the come's to my mind is one from a NoUse and further elaborated upon by a worm, bith of which are very well written and organized papers along the same lines as Sly's.
At everyplace you find these the surrounding documentation is as well very useful, but these are the ones that stand out individually, housed at what I consider hacker library's amongst many more useful knowledge.