need two things if possible:
1. Anyone know of any more sparta protected web sites other than the GGG and it's sister sites? I'm interested because
mrblue made clear that some of them can be bypassed with a trick.
2. Just looking for more documentation on the topics below. I've been searching my but off so any help would be much appreciated. Also, are some of you guys running your own servers with open licensed software and then figuring out how to bypass it?
Originally Posted by daemon.azazel
yes many sites equipped by strongbox was exploited
because of their relationship to AWW cms, both products
are supplied in one pack.
strongbox + AWW is very same as sparta + NATS
my guess is that there is info that is passed between the two (web authentfiication + conent management systems) and this is where I should be looking for opportunity
sparta - Secure Password Authentication and Realtime Tracking Application
NATS - Next-generation Administration & Tracking Software
CAMRA - Content Administration and Release Management Application
CMS - Content Management Systems
Aww - Administer WML Websites
cms - content management systems
Thank in advance guys and respect to all the hard workers here....