Originally Posted by grzesiek
OMG you're kidding 
No, I am not kidding. Abbazabba is not my usual name. _htaccess was my original name on IRC, on DAL before it got f'd-up. I was SOP or AOP on 6 channels. I was a ^beta^ op, and it was so long ago that I don't remember many names but Agripargo, XJ, SeanUK (who wrote the original FAQ on cracking and IP spoofing), and many others I dont recall offhand after so long... I wrote many mIRC scripts still in use today though my name is not on them because I didn't care about having my name known. They have also been altered so much by now that I cannot claim to have written them in their present form any longer.
As I have said in another post, I went to law school for a year or so and was a cop for 5 yrs so did not want my real identity known. _htaccess sufficed, and I protected myself by going through multiple 'bounces' through level 1 proxies whenever online. I do however enjoy the female body in all it's beauty and so I crack.
It's a hobby, nothing more. Cracking is not illegal in a specific sense as it applies to 'improving security' by showing that it can be penetrated, therefore helping those who run sites and want better protection for their content. That has been argued in case law and has won more often than lost.
So.... No bullshit. Not kidding. 10 yrs+. I am not 'uber' as I have not been involved in the scene for the most part for better than 4 yrs. and much has changed, but I am still good at it. (IMO at least) Some others whom I won't name feel differently apparently, for whatever unjustified reason that has yet to be explained to me.